The main purpose of evaluation is not only to check the results of the students and teachers but to improve on the basis of that the total results, to change the possible bad technique of teaching or remove some rude mistakes and mischief. In distance education the separation between teachers and students normally involves instruction or learning experiences being mediated through written or recorded materials.
The materials that were used for previous learners are the same to the new ones. But the problem is that
distant learning students don’t have the straight connection to their teachers and tutors as their glass-visiting colleagues. The evaluation educational materials for distance learning or the whole institutional course may seek to provide information that can be used during the process of developing or preparing materials or learning experiences -formative evaluation procedures, or information about how well the ‘finished’ instruction has worked in normal use -summative evaluation procedures. In practice, it is often impossible to draw such a clear distinction, but it does provide a useful way of considering methods of evaluation.